For example, my single roommate, whenever she logs on she is exposed to singles ads. My friend with a boyfriend, is exposed to ads that talk about romantic weekend getaways. My friend that is very interested in animals and lists them as one of her interests, is constantly being exposed to ads that talk about making donations to save the abandoned animals. We make ourselves a perfect market; we leave ourselves easily reached.

In the center of the page you see all you're friends, and their comments to other people, as well as their "status" updates, simply stating what's on their mind at the moment. To the left of the screen, you see advertisements. As you can see by all the high numbers at the top right of that portion of the page, I ignore these. I let them build up, and let myself be amazed by the amount I receive. Below are the ads as I mentioned before that are targeted directly at me. These ads raise the question of ownership. This is my page, but it is bombarded by advertisements from other companies, companies that I have no interest in have anything type of contact with. Of course, though, the owners of Facebook (those lucky billionaires) make even more money from these annoying little ads on the side of my screen.
All different types of persuasive techniques are used in these. Generally it's flattery, telling you that you are beautiful, but you need this to make you EXTRA gorgeous. Bandwagon because everyone else is doing it, and they let you know. If one of your friends on Facebook is using said product, then their name appears at the bottom of the advertisement. Nostalgia is frequently touched upon for those of us with a significant other, if you ever want a gift idea, or a weekend escape, Facebook has then answer for you, thinking really isn't required anymore.
My brain is effected in this as well, and I mean in ways other then probably demeaning my intelligence. Limbic is a big factor as I read these ads, and what everyone else says. The images they post, and event he videos and such that I watch as they get sent from friend to friend on page to page and though my news feed. Also, my neocortex is at play in this love game. As everything is about reading on facebook, reading and processing the information that you are reading.
This is EXCELLENT blogging, Cait.
ReplyDeleteCan you find any videos that are CRITICAL of Facebook online at YouTube, and embed them here to help your blog readers get some other points of view?
They're out there...
Dr. W