Sunday, February 7, 2010

Obama address the State Of the Mind

We all heard President Obama speak and address our nation, and it all meant something different to all of us, depending upon our own personal stance in society today. One thing, however, that we all have in common in experiencing this media frenzy, was the exposure to the language he used.

It affected our
Triune Brain on three difference levels;
Reptilian, because this connects to my life, and my own survival.
Limbic brain as I processed all the images that were around such as
the flags that there in the background both on his suite and hanging on the wall, also all the clapping that gave off a positive effect to support his words. Finally, the
Neocortex, because all the information he said, I had to process it for what it was and how it applied to my life.

Examples used from the
Eight Trends included;
Technological Shift and the perfect representation of this is the fact that it's currently up on YouTube. It's no longer that if you didn't see it the first time you never see it again, instead, you can watch it anytime your heart desires. If that isn’t enough, you can even keep up with our president on his
facebook page.
Personal shift was touched upon, by taking this from something like the radio, and putting it on various news outlets that let you view it in many different medium.

We were exposed to a few of the
Seven Principals as well;
Production techniques with all the different camera angles that were used, showing the angles of President Obama and the audience he was facing, very empowering. Individual meaning was a large portion of this. We all took something very different from this message, and we all relate in some way or another. I'm willing to bet that this interpretation differed on how you watched the address as well.
Emotional transfer goes along with individual meaning, taking us for a ride, trying to invoke our emotions so we'll be supportive of his message in some way
Reality construction was something we were greatly exposed to. We have to ask ourselves as we are listening to his side of things, what is the other side? What are we missing? Can we really make a informed decision with biased information?

Finally, we fell prey to many different
Persuasive Techniques;
Group Dynamics of course, as “we” are all fellow Americans.
Nostalgia was present in his language.
Scientific Evidence to back up his points with real authority.
Warm Fuzzies when he painted the picture of the typical American family with kids, and how the economy is taking a toll on them.
Plain Folks of course, going back to the previous mention of the typical American family.
Symbols, again with the flags very visible and always present in the camera shot.
Humor by make puns as others, and as well at himself.
Strawman by knocking down the arguments presented by those with different views then himself.
Strength, as he has much strength in his words as he encourages all of us to unite as one and save the economy.

1 comment:

  1. GOOD work, Cait.

    Check spelling "principles," for example...

    Use spacing more effectively - give your readers some breathing room in between each post/point...

    How many hyperlinks and embeds can you include, as well?

    Do all this to make excellent...

    Dr. W
