8. Hillard talks on page 463 about how there is no way to substitute experience, and that majority of colleges don't really prepare their graduates for everything that they will come across in their chosen profession. This is especially important today with the high cost of tuition.
With Champlain, it's different because we are all required to take part in internships, so we get more hands on experience then straight up text book knowledge. But still, is college worth it, do we get everything that we need? If we are not getting the needed skills, we are going to find ourselves stressed and overwhelmed like my friend to the left of me. I've always thought that maybe I shouldn't be in college, maybe I should be out getting experience and working already. After all, for a PR career track, I know a lot of people who attained it without a college degree. So it was almost comforting to read this in the book, and know that I'm not the only one out there imagining all my debt and thinking to myself "is this really worth it?"
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